Having the highest regard for quality is the cornerstone of PLASTRADE's production standards. Our dedication towards ensuring that the quality systems implemented in the trading, manufacturing and distribution of various plastic raw materials have earned PLASTRADE Group due recognition by SIRIM QAS Sdn. Bhd. ("SIRIM") and United Kingdom Accreditation Service ("UKAS"). In 2002, PLASTRADE Group was certified by SIRIM to have implemented a quality system in compliance with MS ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems. |
We, at PLASTRADE are fully committed to quality and shall comply to ISO QMS 9001 requirements through our Quality Policy: Provide excellent quality product Towards continuous improvement Geared towards customers satisfaction and comply to statutory and regulatory requirements Striving to reach excellence in product quality and service, PLASTRADE relies on the outstanding performance and synergy of its companies to enable the Group to meet the challenges ahead in future frontiers. |